Jim Kelly is Reportedly Cancer Free

NFL Hall of Famer, Jim Kelly, who was diagnosed with cancer last summer, is officially cancer free! On Wednesday Kellys doctors announced that there was no evidence of cancer in the former Buffalo Bills quarterback; their report stated that Jim Kelly was evaluated yesterday at the New York Head & Neck Institute at Lenox Hospital

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NFL Hall of Famer, Jim Kelly, who was diagnosed with cancer last summer, is officially cancer free! On Wednesday Kelly’s doctors announced that there was “no evidence of cancer” in the former Buffalo Bills quarterback; their report stated that “Jim Kelly was evaluated yesterday at the New York Head & Neck Institute at Lenox Hospital in Manhattan, three months after having completed the radiation and chemotherapy protocol designed to treat his recurrent sinus cancer. Dr. Peter Constantino, Executive Director of the Institute, stated that, “The treatments so far have completely eliminated Mr. Kelly’s pain, and his level of function has essentially returned to normal. Further, on physical examination, there is no evidence of cancer.”  This news comes after Kelly’s June 3, 2013 announcement that he had been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma; four days after his announcement he underwent surgery to have part of his jawbone removed.

Squamous cell carcinoma is classified as a major form of a skin cancer which attacks the epidermis..  Three weeks after his surgery and original diagnoses, it was believed that the cancer had been removed; however, it returned more aggressively in March and Kelly was treated with chemotherapy and radiation. Throughout this time, Kelly’s wife, Jill Kelly, has been very vocal on social networks; rallying up prayers and positive energy for her ill husband.  With the doctors’ news of Kelly’s clean bill of health along with their hope that he will not need to undergo any further treatment, it seems that Mrs. Kelly’s prayers have paid off.

Beating cancer is not the first time Kelly has been able to defy the odds, his noteworthy NFL career proves that he is a tough competitor who does not back down in the face of adversity.  Kelly is the only NFL quarterback ever to lead his team to four consecutive super bowl matches and he is the Buffalo Bills’ leader in passing yards.Kelly who is the father of three children, including a son who passed away at the age of eight as a result of Krabbe’s disease, a rare degenerative illness – has stated that what he wants more than anything is to walk his two daughters down the aisle; even if he has to “crawl;” now he will be able to do just that.

(Photo by Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for The Buoniconti Fund To Cure Paralysis)

