Kate Winslet says Grazia magazine made up diet story

British magazine Grazia makes up a ton of shit about celebrities, and is recently responsible for the Jennifer Aniston is adopting two American babies claim. Kate Winslet has called them on their story that she visited a diet doctor, and said it particularly offends her because shes a role model for healthy, normal-sized women and

British magazine Grazia makes up a ton of shit about celebrities, and is recently responsible for the “Jennifer Aniston is adopting two American babies” claim. Kate Winslet has called them on their story that she visited a diet doctor, and said it particularly offends her because she’s a role model for healthy, normal-sized women and does not want girls to think she’s a hypocrite. She’s planning on suing the magazine:

The allegations, which were printed in the glossy magazine Grazia, are “completely untrue,” Winslet told reporters on the red carpet at the BAFTA awards in London on Sunday.

“I’m going to fight for myself. I don’t want people thinking that I would ever go to a diet doctor, I would ever buy into that stuff,” Winslet, who is nominated for a Best Actress Oscar for her role in Little Children, told a BBC radio interviewer. “I never have done, I never will.”

Last week, Grazia printed a story alleging that the actress visited the Chinese Healing Institute in Santa Monica to help with neck pain, and also to lose weight.

On Monday, attorneys for the actress at Schillings law firm in London said proceedings for libel were being issued. Winslet’s rep, Sara Keene, underlined her client’s feelings, saying: “Kate is angry and upset about it because it is an issue she feels very strongly about. She will be issuing legal proceedings. She wants to get the message out there….”

“I will continue to say what I feel about this issue of women being thin and emaciated. It’s just out of control,” she said Sunday. “I know I’m a role model to young women. It’s a role that I take very, very seriously and I would never want anyone to ever think I was a hypocrite in doing something like going to a diet doctor, for goodness sake. I mean, it’s really, really ridiculous.”

Kate said she has “a real woman’s figure” and that she doesn’t starve herself. She looks pretty gorgeous to me, and at least someone is standing up for the size 6/8 women.

Mandy Moore recently said that she felt bad about being a normal size, and that she would go to a photo shoot and be expected to fit into a 0 or a 1 sample size:

“I want to be healthy, but in a industry where you can’t wear a sample size because it’s like a 0 or 2, it makes you feel bad about yourself. To go to photo shoot, its like, ‘Ugh, God, can’t you just at least get a regular size, like a 6 or 8 or something?”

I would freaking love to be a size six, which I was able to maintain when I was single but seems kind of out of reach at this point. I got down to a six again briefly before the holidays, but am an eight now. It takes a lot of discipline and work for me, and with a toddler, a full time job from home, and trying to make dinner and maintain a halfway decent house it’s pretty hard to stay skinny. (Plus it’s hard not to eat when I’m stressed. Can you guys relate?) If I had a lot of help I could probably do it, but why is it so important to me?

Good for Winslet and Moore for standing up for normal-sized women. And with some more voluptuous actresses getting press now, maybe Hollywood will start to buck the super-skinny trend.

Here is Kate looking great at the Baftas. Pictures from SuperiorPics.

