Apollo LTD Release Brand New Single 'Heaven'

Apollo LTD is an alternative pop duo based in Nashville, TN. A little under a year ago they released their debut Out Of Body EP which helped them secure direct support spots for acts such as DNCE, Panic at the Disco, and Cheat Codes.

Apollo LTD is an alternative pop duo based in Nashville, TN. A little under a year ago they released their debut Out Of Body EP which helped them secure direct support spots for acts such as DNCE, Panic at the Disco, and Cheat Codes.


Now, Apollo LTD have just released their acoustic focused track ‘Heaven’, a calming track which centres around the piano and showcases their impressive talent.

To align with the release of their new single, we caught up with the duo to discuss all things music, future plans and ??. Can you tell us about the new single

Can you tell us about the new single?

Heaven was a song we wrote and recorded almost two years ago actually. It was a big, loud, anthem of a song. But not too long ago we performed it live for our team as a ballad – just piano and vocal. People immediately were like…. “When are you gonna release this version of this song??”  Our label kinda flipped over the ballad so we went in and re-cut it. Kinda funny actually.

You’ve also released the music video for the single – what was the inspiration behind the video?

The video is super simple. We just cut a one take of us in the studio performing it. We felt like releasing a stripped down version of the song needed a stripped down version of the video. Felt right to us. So no trips to Tokyo or 360 degree cameras just a couple dudes in a room playing music! Imagine that.

Every artist has a different process when it comes to creating tracks. Do you tend to write the lyrics first or create the melody?

Every song is a little different. Melodies typically come first. In particular with this one, we wrote everything at the same time. We were building the track and writing the melodies and the lyrics just came to us. Even though it was a creative whirlwind writing “Heaven” it was rewritten a few times. We just knew there was something special about it so we kept digging.

What does the rest of the beginning of 2019 entail? Any live shows or more music?

We are playing a few festivals and some shows here and there. We are in the studio finishing up the last few tracks for our album. It will be out early June. But we will be releasing more singles leading up to the release! A lot happening… so we are stoked about 2019. Its gonna be a blast.

Make sure to follow Apollo LTD on Instagram HERE to keep up to date with their latest news.

Tweet us over @CelebMix with your opinions of the track!

