Does Novak Djokovic Drink Coffee?

Being at the top of his game in a sport that requires a lot of energy tt is safe to wonder whether or not this tennis superstar drinks coffee. As Djokovic has said, he is not a fan of coffee and avoids drinking it in any form. To maintain his physique after failing to claim

Being at the top of his game in a sport that requires a lot of energy tt is safe to wonder whether or not this tennis superstar drinks coffee. 

As Djokovic has said, he is not a fan of coffee and avoids drinking it in any form. To maintain his physique after failing to claim the Grand Slam Glory, the tennis player decided to increase his stamina and performance by adhering to a strict diet and lifestyle. Therefore, there is a definite possibility that Novak Djokovic does not drink coffee.  

Read more below about the breakdown of the elements of his eating regimen. 

Djokovic’s Strict Diet

While some may not know, Novak Diokovic follows an extremely strict diet. Drinking herbal tea and warm water, nuts, manuka honey, and protein shakes is what he thrives on.

Other tennis players like Serena Williams like to have their coffee while on the field, however, Novak Djokovic commented on her habit saying “But it’s understandable. Some people can’t live without coffee in the morning. It keeps them going. I guess that helped her in that match. It wouldn’t help me because I’m not a fan of coffee.” 

Coffee intake is highly debated among athletes since it has antioxidants and prevents type two diabetes. However, it can negatively impact sleeping patterns and can lead to stomach irritation.

Novak Djokovic discovered he was gluten intolerant when a spectator (Dr. Igor Cetojevic) approached Djokovic about his lack of energy. As a result, he now tries to minimize high-digestion foods, keeping to salads, wild rice, vegetables and fruits. Even though his mostly vegan-gluten-free diet seems extreme, it ends up being a nutritional and simplistic meal plan. 

You can watch his explanation about the methodology behind his diet in the below YouTube video.

Warm Water and Herbal Tea

Novak Djokovic sets an example of no caffeine in an active daily life by only drinking warm water or herbal teas. He usually will drink licorice root tea since it is an herbal tea with anti-inflammatory benefits, as well as cleaning one’s respiratory system. 

There are multiple functions of herbal tea that help one’s body perform in a better way. It boosts metabolism and prevents nausea, which is a problem that Djokovic was facing after his tennis matches in the past, as well as the antioxidants in herbal teas repair the age of cells, detoxifying your system. 

He also drinks warm water continuously throughout the day, and in one interview explaining his methodology “because cold water slows digestion and diverts blood away from where I want it—in my muscles.” Drinking water frequently is also a scientifically proven way to increase digestion as well as to improve cognitive function. It is especially effective when having water first thing in the morning. 

How Does Novak Djokovic Thrive On No Caffeine? 

Most people require some variation in their meals and Novak Djokovic is no exception even with his strict diet. He accomplishes this by planning out three days’ worth of extremely different meals in advance. 

Even though he has relatively no caffeine consumption, Djokovic gets his energy from plant based foods and the occasional fish entree. Djokovic has protein shakes and vegetable juices in order to provide other energy boosts that eliminate his need for a caffeine boost. 

Not only does he avoid coffee, he does not drink alcohol either. After another Grand Slam victory, the tennis player commented “No, I will not drink alcohol. I don’t drink it in general. I don’t enjoy it.” As an athlete, alcohol could have negative effects on performance and digestion. So clearly Djokovic would not want to imbibe.  

Is Novak Djokovic a coffee lover? As you can see from above, while he has never come out and said he is not a coffee drinker, evidence shows he never touches this particular caffeinated drink. Given his strict diet and health concerns, it is pretty much as given that he does not drink coffee.

