The best bits of the third episode of 'The Voice UK'

The third episode of The Voice UK aired on Saturday (January 21) and the blind auditions are in full force. What we love about the show is the diversity in the contestants and with each performance comes an element of surprise.

The third episode of The Voice UK aired on Saturday (January 21) and the blind auditions are in full force. What we love about the show is the diversity in the contestants and with each performance comes an element of surprise.

As hard as a task it was, we’ve picked our three of our favourites from this ep!


The moment this 18-year-old began singing, we could tell she was a star. Great voice, sass in abundance and a superstar name. In the words of she’s dope!’


Aged just 18, Ruti has such a distinct sound and style to her already. We can see her going far in the competition.


Such a passionate performance of a Craig David throwback.. We just couldn’t help but love this guy!

Have you been watching The Voice UK? Let us know on Twitter @CelebMix.

