Exclusive: TOWIE Star Nicole Bass on her New Business Confidence Aesthetics

Nicole Bass is probably best known for appearing on the super popular reality TV show, The Only Way is Essex. On the show shes kind, one who will always defend her friends and isnt afraid to say what she feels. She joined the cast of TOWIE for its 10th anniversary series, after briefly appearing in

Nicole Bass is probably best known for appearing on the super popular reality TV show, The Only Way is Essex. On the show she’s kind, one who will always defend her friends and isn’t afraid to say what she feels. She joined the cast of TOWIE for it’s 10th anniversary series, after briefly appearing in a few episodes in 2015.

“My best friends Clelia and Olivia Atwood were on the show as full time cast members so I decided to join and be with the girls. Then of course Liv left and got her own show. But me and Clelia are still the best of friends on there. I think I just enjoy being with my friends.”

“I prefer to do a show like TOWIE as I have my best friends on there, as opposed to doing another show where I haven’t. For me TOWIE is really positive and fun. It’s nice to have a place of work where you spend time with your besties.”

Since joining the show she has become a well loved cast member who fans of the show have really clicked with and seem to love.

“People have been so so lovely to me and some of the messages I get are so overwhelming and that people go out of their way to send the kindest messages. It’s just so lovely to have that, especially in this generation. I’m quite lucky as I don’t really get anything too bad. I’ve had the odd message, but with me I’d just sort of block it and go on with my day.”

While Nicole uses Instagram to connect with her fans, she’s not someone who feels pressure to post and has a refreshing perspective and outlook when it comes to using the popular social site.

“You can get caught up in Instagram. You have to realise the reality is it’s not real life.” She says when discuss the pressure of posting content for her over 300k strong followers. “ I think a lot of people post their wins and how happy they are. But I like to see the people that are posting their struggles and their insecurities and their mental health. I’m sort of more with that. As opposed to the other side of Instagram.

The conversation then moves on to the pandemic. Covid-19 has seen all of us across the world have our lives turned upside down. For Nicole, it was the push she needed to finally fulfil a dream of her’s and set up her own business, ‘Confidence Aesthetics’.

“The pandemic put in a position where I actually thought about my life, my career and my future. So that’s when I put together my business. And I’ve been working really hard on that since and it’s doing really really well.”


“ Growing up I just loved skin. I was really big on my skin care and looking after my skin. In my family. My niece would would come to me with bad breakouts and I would always try and help. I would say you need to do this,this and this. So I started to study it. Once I’d got all the study behind me with the skin conditions and everything like that, I just took all my exams for it.!

“Little by little I kept passing new treatments, building myself up. I do all the skin treatments, the luxury facials, the chemical peels which are medical treatments for the skin. I do B12 injections and I just love it. I’m really glad that I did it.”

“With me I always talk myself out of things like a lot of people do that. I think oh I have a plan and then I talk myself out of it. I think that’s probably a form of my anxiety. Oh no it’s never going to work. But this time I thought No, positive thoughts. You can do it, you will do it, and I did do it! And I am so glad I did. I absolutely do love it.”

Nicole’s future will see her do another series of Towie and continue to grow her business.

“I want to just take my business to the next stage. Open a shop. I wanna do a little bit of travelling. Go to a few different countries. There is quite a few things I want to do.”

You can find out more about Confidence Aesthetics here. Also you can follow Nicole on her Instagram. And you watch her on The Only Way Is Essex, Sunday ITVBe 9pm!

